Brave, brave, brave souls Tricia and Jeff are. Jeff and Tricia were the very FIRST people to hire me as a wedding photographer and oddly enough, they were my last wedding to photograph for the year.
I could not have picked a better group of people to end my wedding year off with. Everyone was so down-to-earth, extremely easy to talk to, and I had a GREAT time with all of them.
Despite the cold and my awesome fingerless gloves, the wedding was absolutely gorgeous and the sun poked it's head out a few times.
The wedding was held at the Wilderness Golf resort in WI Dells and the reception was in the golf club. After the wedding was over, we took some outdoors photos with everyone and I have to say I have never seen a more helpful groom. We were preparing to take a photo by a small lake where the bride and groom would walk through a few weeded areas. Jeff walks ahead of Tricia, then he politely asks her to stop walking and clears her a path. Jeff then individually broke every weed that could have possibly snagged her dress, and we say chivalry is dead!
It sincerely was all my pleasure meeting the two of you and I am so happy you took a chance and hired me, knowing you were my firsts.
ENJOY your sneak peek!!!! :)
The sun finally peeked through...

It was a chilly day!

I love reflections...

Remember me saying how helpful Jeff was...

A new way of cutting the cake? :)